
欢迎来到2024年春天! Here’s a quick list of tips for a successful start to your semester. 把这些链接收藏起来,或者经常回到这个页面!


From arriving on campus to finding your tribe, we’ve got you covered. Check out 10 tips from 十大靠谱赌博平台 to help you get ready for a great semester!

1. 寻找停车位和交通工具

If you plan to drive to campus, you’ll need to get a FREE ACC parking permit. 网上订购你的停车许可证 and pick it up in person for convenient parking at all ACC campuses.

不想堵车? Through ACC’s partnership with Capital Metro, you can request a FREE GreenPass from Capital Metro. 这些通行证允许你骑马 CapMetro巴士和地铁免费!

2. 找到我的入口
所有学生、访客和员工都必须这样做 从指定的主入口进入 在ACC的校园和中心. 在你的第一周, you can find on-campus signs and ACC staff to help locate your Main Entrance and make it to class on time.

Stay up-to-date with ACC’s improved safety measures and opt-in for emergency alerts at the following links.

3. 找到我的课程
参加面对面的课程? 大多数校园都有易于记忆的编号方式:

  •  例子: 1314房间: 1000年建筑; 3rd Floor, 1314房间.


每个ACC校区都是独一无二的, so make sure to bookmark your campus page for important information you will need all semester, 就像 building maps, department contact information, and campus hours. 第一周, 快速浏览一下你们学校的教室, 实验室, 和学生生活的位置.


  • 1000号楼:教室、学生生活、考试中心
  • 2000年建筑: Classrooms, Financial Aid, Learning Lab, Library


  • 1000年建筑 & 2000:成人教育,教室,图书馆,学习实验室
  • 3000号楼:教室、科学实验室
  • 8000 + 9000楼:健康科学教室


  • 1000年建筑: Classrooms, Learning Lab, Student Life, Library
  • 2000年建筑 & 3000:可持续农业,兽医技术


  • 1000年建筑: Classrooms, Learning Lab, Library, Student Life
  • Public Safety Training Center: Emergency Vehicles Operations Course, Firing Range


  • 1000年建筑: ACCelerator, Classrooms, Library, Student Life
  • 2000年建筑: Adult Education, Black Box Theater, Classrooms, Eatery 73
  • Building 4000: Bookstore, Classrooms, Computer Science/IT Labs, Fashion Incubator


  • 1000号楼:教室、学生生活、图书馆
  • 2000号楼:教室、健身房、科学实验室
  • 3000号楼:正在建设中
  • Building 4000: Classrooms, Continuing Education, Learning Lab


  • Building 3000: ASL Lab, Classrooms, Financial Aid, Learning Lab, ACCelerator
  • 1000号楼:学生生活


  • A栋:教室、健身房、实验室、图书馆
  • B栋到E栋:教室、实验室
  • Building G: Bookstore, Classrooms, Learning Lab, Student Life
  • H座:继续教育门户


  • 1000年建筑: Classrooms, Computer Center, Financial Aid, Library
  • 2000年建筑: Bookstore, Classrooms, Learning Lab, Student Life
  • 3000号楼:健康科学教室和实验室
  • 5000号楼:应用科技 & 公共服务教室
  • 8000号楼:生物实验室加速器


  • 1000年建筑: ACCelerator, Classrooms, Library, Financial Aid, Student Life


  • 1000年建筑: Classrooms, Financial Aid, Learning Lab, Student Life, Library
4. 发现社区
ACC总有事情发生! Get involved and get active with your fellow Riverbats this semester by checking out student-led clubs, 体育, 和活动.

5. 寻求经济援助
来自财政援助, 到奖学金, 学费补助和应急基金, ACC拥有帮助你成功的财政资源.

Interest-free tuition payment plans are available to help you spread out the cost. 了解更多关于付款计划的信息.

Remember to follow 十大靠谱赌博平台’s tuition deadlines to avoid being dropped from classes.

With 700+ personalized scholarship awards and growing, ACC has a scholarship for you! ! 你可以 提交您的ACC基金会申请 today and automatically be applied to hundreds of scholarships for next semester.

Get started by finding your Financial Aid office on campus or reach out online.

6. 发现黑板上
How to keep track of classes, assignments, 成绩, and e-mails? 黑板就是答案. 黑板上, MyACC, and Self-Service are the three most important applications you’ll need to stay on top of your classwork and degree requirements. 注册这些服务 当前的学生 页面,可以在右侧菜单中找到它们. 

  • 黑板: 黑板上包含您的课程要求, 教学大纲, 家庭作业, 成绩, 以及课堂讨论. 得到了 黑板应用程序为您的手机 方便访问您的课程作业.
  • MyACC: 收藏MyACC,因为你会经常用到它. 使用你的学生号和密码登录, 你还可以访问电子邮件, 招生, 学费和付款, 以及在线支持. 
  • 自我服务: Self Service lets you plan classes and monitor your progress. You’ll use this app to refer to your class schedule and check on financial aid and other services. 
7. 找到我的书店
书店在哪儿?? Besides parking, that might be the most important question! ACC网上书店 can fill all your needs for textbooks, class materials, and Riverbat swag. 用于亲自购买日用品(包括零食)!),以下校园有书店:

8. 查找Wi-Fi、支持和辅助服务
需要无线网络? ACC有你的保险. 辅导或就业服务怎么样? Take advantage of these resources to make sure you’re getting the most out of your college investment.

  • 学习实验室: There are learning 实验室 on every campus where you can find help with homework, 计算机资源, 还有一个安静的学习场所.
  • 学校图书馆: Each ACC campus has a library with computer access for Microsoft Office and other applications. 学生亦可 借教科书 对于某些班级.
  • 加速器: 高地, 圆的石头, 里约热内卢格兰德, and 圣盖博 campuses are home to ACCelerator computer 实验室 where students can take classes, 得到辅导, 获得最先进的技术. 
  • 免费辅导: Each campus offers tutoring services 面对面 and online.
  • 咨询服务: Attending college can be an exciting opportunity to learn and grow. 它也会带来压力. ACC辅导员理解并能提供帮助.
  • 学生无障碍服务: ACC offers a number of accommodations and support services to make sure you succeed on your own terms.
  • 学生Wi-Fi: Follow these instructions for wireless access on any device. ACC也有 网赌app服务台 许多IT问题.
9. 找到我的日历
Keep track of important dates and deadlines with ACC’s Spring 2023 calendars. 

  • 学术日历: Add and drop dates, schedule changes, tuition deadlines, 和更多的.
  • 地区活动日历: 整个地区发生的一切, 包括FlexFactory这样的学生展示, 转让通知, 食物的分布, 和更多的.
  • 课程安排: 你的课程是否在线, 面对面, 或两个, make it easy to keep track with your course schedule in Self-Service under Plan & 时间表.
10. 找到免费的东西(和折扣)
你有你的 绿色通道,对吧? Being an ACC Student comes with other benefits too, both at ACC and in the community.

  • 借一个iPad. Students can reserve an iPad, charging block, Bluetooth keyboard, and case for the semester.
  • (无线网络. 在家上网? 你可以 access Wi-Fi in the parking lot of many ACC campuses, which can help in a pinch.
  • Adobe Creative Suite. ACC是一个Adobe创意校园. Students can get access to Adobe Creative Cloud for as little as $10 a semester.
  • Microsoft Office Suite 365. ACC学生免费. 
  • 法律服务. Each semester ACC partners with Volunteer 法律服务 and other legal resources to provide services to students.
  • 资金管理帮助. 控制你的财务状况. Get personal finance advice and get free tips on banking, budgeting, 和更多的.



找不到你要找的东西? 我们是来帮忙的. ACC’s Help Desk team can guide you to the information you’re seeking.